Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Witchy Woman

My sister had her first child when I was 7 years old. I remember when I was about 12 and my sister, who at that time had 4 children, said that she couldn't wait until the coming weekend. You see, my sweet brother-in-law had offered to take all four kids for a visit to his sister's. She was going to be alone, for the entire weekend. She enjoyed being alone?! At 12 years old, I couldn't imagine, why anyone want to be alone with nothing to do, for an ENTIRE 2 days? Yet, here I am. Mommy of 3. Teacher of 20. Doctor. Co-worker. Laundress. Dishwasher. Cook. Bad singer. Friend. Wife. Plus a bunch of other things, depending on the day. And I CAN'T WAIT to be alone. I think I would be perfectly fine ALONE, for many, many days. Does that mean I'm becoming anti-social? A hermit? Some grumpy old woman who lives in a haunted house, that everyone will be scared of? Bring on the scare!!!

I never thought, as a young person, that I would ever look forward to quiet. I've always loved the sort of chaos that comes with a busy household and a classroom full of explorers. However, this evening as I was helping my dd3 fill out a book of addresses for a fund-raiser, DD2 was taking a practice spelling test while I called out words, DS1 was asking me to spell a word for him, DH was asking me about a bill while I was folding a load of clothes and trying to figure out what to make for dinner. BRAIN OVERLOAD!!!

I have a wonderful friend who is currently taking college classes, keeping her 2 children as healthy as possible, and all while she and her husband are living with her mom trying to figure out how to build a house in this less-than-terrific economy. If I think my head is ready to explode, I should send out a salute to her!

It's no wonder that when we are constantly under fire from the needs of our families and jobs that sometimes we forget to do a little something for ourselves! If you're reading this and feel a little less than appreciated.. take it into your own hands. With all you do every day you deserve a hot bath, a new nail polish, or a massage. Wow! Sometimes I have the best ideas!

Hey, sis! I finally got it! I'm all for a weekend alone. How about babysitting?

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